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INTB2014: Study Abroad Mexico

     During my 2nd semester I had the incredible opportunity of enrolling in INTB2014. This class is designed to help develop our cultural competence through the context of international business.

This course gave us the opportunity to learn through presentations, reading from the

curriculum, and practicing our Spanish speaking skills before going on our trip. This

course gave me a deeper understanding of the cultural differences and similarities not

only in the business setting but in day-to-day life.


     Being able to travel to Querétaro, Mexico during Spring Break was the highlight of my

first year at UC. The two things I enjoyed the most was learning the cultural differences in

the daily routines in Mexico and being able be fully immersed in the culture. Daily

routines may seem small in the grand scheme of this trip however, it allowed me to see a

completely different perspective into how things we do innately can be done differently

based on one’s perspective, culture, location, etc.


Secondly, having the opportunity to be fully immersed in Mexican culture. I have studied Spanish and Hispanic culture for over 5 years. Having the opportunity to experience something I have learned about for the first time is something I will never forget. From the incredible people I met to the energetic nightlife, I will forever have a better understanding and deeper appreciation for the culture.


     As I continue to learn how to be more culturally competent, I will make sure to remember the things I learned in INTB2014 and from the unforgettable trip to Mexico. This trip was an experience I will never forget, and I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to experience a new culture with my Lindner Business Honors cohort.


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